Saturday, July 27, 2013

Forgive and Forget


I am collecting a little bit of data for a new blog post.
And, lets face it, we all get mad at one point.
Please take my quick survey and let me know where you stand.
I will write a blog (at this very URL) once I have enough information.

Thank you for participating!!

***If you cant click above here is the link again

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Curry Chicken with Coconut Milk

Curry Chicken in the Kitchen! 

Hello!! Today I felt like adding a little spice to my life. I was in the mood to cook, and I know I made curry about two (plus) weeks ago but, everyone loved it so much that I had to make it again. And, this time it came along with a blog post. 

I am going to do my best at writing up a proper "recipe". But, unless I've looked up the recipe online or following it from a cookbook I don't use measuring cups. I am apologizing in advance because, you will see the phrase "season to taste" a few times on here. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Hello Postcrossing!

Sending love from NY around the Globe!

I absolutely love traveling. I'll admit that one of my dreams would be to travel the world- many people have that dream! But the next best thing from actually being in that foreign place is knowing someone there.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Is Winter Weakening More Than Just Your Skin?

Are the holidays getting in the way of your love life? 

We all know the obvious about winter: coldness + dryness = bad skin. 
But, did we know this one about winter?: coldness + holidays = bad relationship = breakup. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

So, you don't like your BFF's BF?

You choose your friends, not your friend's boyfriend.

We all have that friend that we love dearly and we cannot help but get mad at her when she makes dumb choices, like for example in the men she dates. But, ladies let's be honest with ourselves- we've been that 'friend' too. So, stop judging your BFF's BF.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Best Kisses

Let's face it: Movies have pretty much set the bar way up there for kissing, sex, and romance. I mean, I'm expecting all my kisses to be like the lake scene from "The Notebook". And, I know that you are too.


But, not all kisses are that intense. Or exaggerated for that matter.
Many kisses are just simple. I asked a few friends to tell me about the BEST kiss they've had. All of them had a different scene, different mood, different feel to it. However, one thing was in common: the build up- That intensity you feel right before your lips meet- The crave.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Science Proves It: Don't get back together with your Ex


We often think of the "what if's" in failed love. Some always finding a reason to make us want to rekindle the old flame. So, if you're thinking about getting back with you're ex, research tells you not to.