Are the holidays getting in the way of your love life? |
We all know the obvious about winter: coldness + dryness = bad skin.
But, did we know this one about winter?: coldness + holidays = bad relationship = breakup.
Yes, that last equation is true. So, if you made it through the fuss of preparing the turkey for Thanksgiving and you made it through the fuss of singing carols for Christmas, congratulations! But, you're not done yet! There is still rough waters to sail ahead.
According to Facebook, there are two major peak points throughout the year where the most breakup's occur. One is at the beginning at the year and one is at the end of the year. Sadly for us, the end of one year only leads into the beginning of a new year, making the two peak times for breakup's seem like a long dreadful and single season.
Break up trend composed by David McCandless based on 10,000 Facebook status updates. |
Three out of every five relationships end in a breakup (can't be all that surprised- most of us have had more than just one partner in our lives) and the worst season for your relationship is definitely in the winter, where a total of 38% of couples call it quits and 6 out of 10 couples even consider a break up as a good possibility. The optimum break up time is, from the beginning of winter, 2 weeks before Christmas (avoiding having to buy a gift? or avoiding family introductions?), to the end of winter, before spring break (need a clean conscience to go party on the beach?). Let's not forget that Valentine's Day is smack in the middle of it all!
Here are some things you can try during the winter so you can save your relationship (and your skin):
- Think before you speak: You're mad because of something he did (or more likely because of something he didn't do). Stop! Don't go picking a fight, just relax and think it over. Maybe an hour from now you'll still be upset about the situation but, you won't be as likely to say the wrong things. This one can be applied all year long.
- Don't stress the holidays: The holidays are important but, don't make a big deal about them. Stop asking if he's going to come home and meet your parents and don't give over exaggerated hints on what you want as a gift.
- If you do it best, do it yourself: Everyone gets holiday stress this time of year, it's normal. Don't let it affect your relationship. Let's say your guy does a sloppy job at wrapping presents, well then you do them and make sure he's the one out getting the supplies, wrapping paper, bows, tape, tags, etc.
- Make time for you: I'm sure you'd love to be around your guy all the time but, keep in mind that everyone would want to be around him too- from his mom to his cousin twice removed. Holidays are for family, and chances are he wants yo around but, don't smother him. Is he on the couch watching the game? Yah? Well, he's relaxing. Let him be and go run some errands on your own. Or if you know when he'll watch the game ahead of time make a date with yourself (shopping for moi, trip to the salon, spa moment). You'll be surprised at how much you'll enjoy a little bit of 'me time' during the busy holidays.
Plus, check out what the doctors have to say about winter relationship breakup's.
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