You choose your friends, not your friend's boyfriend.
We all have that friend that we love dearly and we cannot help but get mad at her when she makes dumb choices, like for example in the men she dates. But, ladies let's be honest with ourselves- we've been that 'friend' too. So, stop judging your BFF's BF.
Let's face it: Movies have pretty much set the bar way up there for kissing, sex, and romance. I mean, I'm expecting all my kisses to be like the lake scene from "The Notebook". And, I know that you are too.
But, not all kisses are that intense. Or exaggerated for that matter.
Many kisses are just simple. I asked a few friends to tell me about the BEST kiss they've had. All of them had a different scene, different mood, different feel to it. However, one thing was in common: the build up- That intensity you feel right before your lips meet- The crave.
We often think of the "what if's" in failed love. Some always finding a reason to make us want to rekindle the old flame. So, if you're thinking about getting back with you're ex, research tells you not to.
In the dating world there are many versions of the 'guide' in how to play the game. For women there is the 'How to make the worst man into a gentlemen' guide and for men there is the 'How to make the respectable woman a dirty one' guide. I am no fan to either. They are all stereotypical sex schemes.
So, it came as no surprise that when asked about 'waiting' for sex men and women have polar opposite results- from banging the first night they met to waiting until they were married.
You've been a part of one, witnessed one, and even judged one. I'm talking about the weird, sometimes awkward, yet gratifying satisfaction you only can get with a friend- sex.
I am going to give you the real picture behind the term 'Friends with Benefits'. Here you will find a set of guidelines, written by me, in response to the ridiculous advice given by 12 individuals just like you.
Even with distance technology brings everyone closer.
I am the type of person who needs to see to believe, needs to feel to understand, and touch to experience. And this is precisely the point when it comes to my relationships. I need to be completely in it, to make it work (or even think that it'll work). With that I'll say cuddos for those in long distance relationships.
Relationships are hard. And those in LDR (long distance relationships) have the extra strain of distance between them. I won't lie, it isn't easy. But, there are many who make it work.